Today I challenged myself to compute a way to find if a number is happy or not.

So what is a happy number?

To quote the wikipedia page:

A happy number is defined by the following process: Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits in base-ten, and repeat the process until the number either equals 1 (where it will stay), or it loops endlessly in a cycle that does not include 1. Those numbers for which this process ends in 1 are happy numbers, while those that do not end in 1 are unhappy numbers (or sad numbers).

Now that we know what a happy number is let's code !

Let's get a positive number from the user

For this part I will use:

  • input() to get the input from the user.
  • int() to convert the output of input() to integer.
  • abs() to return the absolute value of the given number.
def given_number():
    This function ask the user for a number and return it so it
    can be usable by other functions.

    Returns: int
        The given number.

    # We use while because I want to infinite ask for a number
    # if the user do not give us a number.
    while True:
        # because the use can input anything, I choosed to
        # handle  the exception if the user do not give us a
        # number.
        # This way we keep asking untill the user give us a
        # number.
            initial_number = abs(int(input("Give us a number ")))
        except ValueError:

    return initial_number

Spliting digits

Because to compute the happy numbers checking we have to calculate the sum of the square of its digits in base-ten. So, I choosed to directly split each digit of the sequence before doing the calculations.

For this part I will use:

  • int() to convert each digits to integer.
  • str() to convert the given number to string.
  • map() to iterate through the converted string.
def split_digits(digits):
    This function split each digits of a given number.

        - digits: int
            The number to split.

    Returns: list
        A list with each digit.

    # We convert the given number to string first.
    # Then we the iterate over each characters which are
    # converted as integer.
    # As map return a list, and int replace the current
    # iteration to integer, we get the list of each digits
    # of the number.
    return map(int, str(digits))

Calculation of the sum of the square of each digits

For this part I will use:

  • pow() to calculate the square of each digits.
def calculation(digits):
    This function return the calculation of the sum of the square
    of each digits.

    Returns: int
        The result of the recursively sum of squares of each

    # This variable is used to store the calculation results.
    result = 0

    # We use for to iterate through the list of digits given by
    # split_digits().
    for digit in digits:

        # We append the square of the current digits to result
        # this way we can return the results once we finished
        # to iterate through the list of  digits.
        result += pow(digit, 2)

    return result

Is a number happy ?

Because I wanted to be eable to check if a number is happy from another script, I choosed to write a function which will tell us if a number is happy (True) or unhappy (False).

As I also want to see the sequence of the results of calculation() when I will work with this function, I introduced between everything a switch which if True will give us a tuple of (True, [results of calculation()]) if the number is happy and (False, [results of calculation()]) if the number is unhappy.

Finally please note that as I did not want to wait for an endless loop, I choosed to check if the result of calculation() was already in our list of results. If it is the case then we have an unhappy number.

For this part I will use:

def is_happy(number, return_sequence=False):
    This function check if a number is happy or not.

        - number: int
            The number to check.
        - return_sequence: bool
            If True we return the sequence of results.

    Returns: bool or tuple
        - True: number is happy.
        - False: number is unhappy.
        - tuple: if return_sequence == True
            - We return (True|False, past_results)

    # This will save the list of previous or past results.
    past_results = []

    list_of_digits = split_digits(number)

    # I choosed to to an endless loop because we do not know
    # where we are going and which path to choose.
    while True:
        current_result = calculation(list_of_digits)

        if current_result not in past_results:
            if current_result != 1:
                list_of_digits = split_digits(current_result)
            elif return_sequence:
                return (True, past_results)
            return True
        elif return_sequence:
            return (False, past_results)
        return False

What if we want to run the scripts ?

Well, to run it as a script with for example python I added the following to the script.

Please note the usage of if __name__ == '__main__': which avoid the script running when we are exporting for example is_happy() for another script or module.

Is this part I will use:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    NUMBER = given_number()

    if is_happy(NUMBER):
        print('%d is a happy number' % NUMBER)
        print('%d is an unhappy number' % NUMBER)

Final script

The idea was beautiful ... and it produced even more beautiful images than we could hope for! Welcome to Italy, in the Abruzzo Park.

The trees can not speak. But, fortunately, we can film them! This is the great idea that the Abbruzzo National Park has had in Italy. For a year, he left a camera facing a tree in an Apennine forest. Every time an animal passed by, the device, capable of detecting movement, was triggered. Result? Magical images, surprising and full of poetry.

Facing the camera, always the same tree, but also badgers, wolves, wild boars, deer, foxes ... A great video that reminds us all of the happiness that a forest can have a living. Look:

Let's talk about PyFunceble, a tool to check the availability of a domain, an IPv4 or a list of domain or IPv4.

You know Funceble ?

Well, that's awesome because you then already know PyFunceble. Test PyFunceble and let me know what you think about it on Twitter (with #PyFunceble) or GitHub!

The main idea behind PyFunceble is to take Funceble to a next level. Indeed, Funceble was and is still great, but as many people mentioned when I released it, " it's written in Shell" which is not available on every machine. So the reason Funceble was written in Shell is that when I started to write it months ago, I wanted to write something helpful but I also wanted to improve my Shell skills. So I decided to write it in Shell.

Today, things are different because Funceble is for sure used but only on Unix based systems which made me think about "What if other systems could use Funceble ?". At the time I wrote Funceble, I also knew about Python but I never had the time and the desire to improve the skills I gained out there. But, as Python 3 is portable so available for download or already installed on almost all modern machines, I decided that it was time to improve my skills and to rewrite Funceble.

That was the beginning of PyFunceble. I had some great and bad time developing FyFunceble to its current state but it was worth when I see the result. I did many improvements into the way the algorithm of Funceble should be structured. I also had some fun time and I learned a lot about Python. That does a great resumé of my time writing PyFunceble. I also added one feature which I don't know how to implement yet into Funceble. That feature is behind inactive-db.json which can be seen in the repository. Indeed, I had this discussion one day and I ended with the idea of creating a database of all inactive domain so they can be tested over the time as the content of the database is automatically added to the list of domain to test when we retest the same filename in the next day.

Today PyFunceble is ready to be released into its first version but it's not gonna be done. Indeed, I don't want to release the first version of PyFunceble yet because that would mean that Funceble is becoming obsolete. But it's not the case ! That's why the first version of PyFunceble will be released in the same time as Funceble 2.0.

As of March 2018, I decided to archive Funceble because I do not have time (yet?) to maintain 2 totally different tool which does the same thing.

More information can complementarily be found on the Wiki of PyFunceble Documentation of PyFunceble.

Representation of the logic

More information can complementarily be found on the Wiki of PyFunceble.

Analog questions

Will I write Funceble into another language which is not Python and Bash?

It's not planned but if someone wants to start rewriting it into its favorite language I'll be glad to help!

Will I stop developing Funceble in the profit of PyFunceble?

I can tell, I really don't think about that yet but let's see where the future will take us.

Open-minded people don't care to be right, they care to understand. There's never a right or wrong answer. Everything is about understanding.

It's a madness to hate all the roses because a thorn has stung you.